Thursday, February 27, 2014

Qualities of a Good President

By: Jonathon S There’s a few different qualities that make a good president. Everyone has a different opinion and political party that they prefer. But what makes a person decide who they want as there leader. For me, I look for personalities traits. Leadership is at the top of the list for what I expect in my president. Another trait I look for is honesty. Lastly, I expect them to be sufficient. I believe that these three traits are key to being viewed as a good president or a good leader. You want to be a leader in whatever you do but if you take on the duty of being the United States of America President, knowing how to lead and navigate your country in the right direction is extremely important. However, we’ve had some presidents in the past who leadership as a president has been questioned. Being a leader isn’t as easy as it sounds. Especially when you’re leading for millions of people who have their own opinion on how this country should be ran. The definition of leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. When you’re President, you’re not just thinking about yourself, you’re thinking about the entire country you represent. Leaders are usually extremely vocal and problem solvers. Another thing I look for is honesty. Being honest with anyone will get you far in life. A lot of presidents hold information and try to hide things from the nation. Some do so that the people don’t panic but I think you should just let people know so that they can be prepared. It’s important for the president to be honest so that the people trust what he’s saying. A lot presidents come in saying that they’re going to solve all these problems and debts but when the 4th year of their term come around, they’ve made very little progress. It’s important that you do what you say you’re going to do so the nation knows that you’re trustworthy and a man/lady of your word. I also believe that if honesty comes with integrity so if you’re openly lying and making claims but not putting your all into it, then there’s no telling what you’re doing when no ones looking. Honesty is a major trait that should be installed in any man or woman who is trying or currently the president of the United States of America. The last trait I look for is efficiency. Efficiency is huge. You want to be efficient in every situation and/or solution. When presidents are in the debate stage they basically make claims and promises on what they’re going to do if their elected. If elected, we the people expect those claims and promises to be kept. However this isn’t done majority of the time. They make their promises and what not then once their elected, they show their true colors. If you’re efficient all four years of your term, no one can say anything bad about you and if they do, everyone knows its not accurate. These traits are important and should be practiced when a president is serving.

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