Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Water Spill

The water spill in West Virginia is legit scary and mind blowing. I cant imagine what those people are going through. You cant shower, drink tap water or anything. You have to be super cautious on something that you do everyday. Something as simple as showering or drinking tap water. I wonder what the people that are actually going through it is thinking. I can only imagine how much fear is installed in them. Parents have to be super careful to make sure that their younger kids don't drink or come in contact with the water. One sip could cost cancer and lead to death(s). That's just crazy/scary to think about if you ask me. That contaminated water affected more than 300,000 residents of West Virginia. That's 16% of the states population. However, the water spill didn't just affect people and their home situation, children weren't allowed at school for a few days which means kids are losing valuable and much needed time to be educated. My thought and prayers go out to the families who are going through this traumatic situation. I pray everyone remains safe until they have the problem fixed.

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