Sunday, March 2, 2014

Altruistic Acts

Many people perform altrustic acts throughout every day life. I personally have performed many. The act of helping someone is crucial in my opinion. Something as little as helping an Senior Citizen across the street or donating unwated clothing to a nearby shelter or money to an charity fund. Deeds like that are much appreciated by the person on the recieving end. What motivates humanity to perform selfness acts? For me its the immediate feeling you get right after. Knowing that you just helped someone that was struggling or needed an extra hand is pretty uplifting for your spirit. Also, the media shows the negative things being done majority of the time when in reality thats not how things really work. There are many people that are selfish and dont help others but I like to think that majority of humans help one another in some way shape or form. An Altruistic act that I'm most proud of is when i give away my unwanted clothing every Christmas. I started doing this my 8th grade year. Growing up I didnt always have the nicest clothes and living situation. One evening I was talking to my aunt about things I could do to give back to my community and she came up with the idea that I could give all my old clothing away to the local shelter and donate a $100. Ive been doing this the last 6 years and I plan on doing A LOT more in the future years to come. The feeling you get when you help someone is unreal. Not thinking about yourself and making it your job to put a smile on someones face is pretty special. Especially a kid that is going through a rough time. A Selfness acts is a way of giving back to your community. Going out of your way to help someone that isnt a relative just so they could have some type of happiness is awesome. Not every person is born into a well ran or family with money. Their are those people who struggle and need someone to put a smile on there face so if I can be that person, then I will always take that oppurtunity. Altruistic acts are positive. Doesnt matter what you do, as lonmg as your helping someone that needed an hand is a great thing. If that person decides so give you money, then thats up to you to take it. I personally dont think you should feel bad for taking it. However you go into a situation with the expectation of recieving money then you probally shouldnt be helping them at all.

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